Shredderbuilt Texas Shredder Classic

Texas Shredder Classic
Texas Shredder Classic Banned Substances
For More Information Regarding Banned Substances Please Visit....
Anabolic Agents:
Including, but not limited to Bolasterone, Boldenone, Clenbutorol, Clostebol, Danazol, DHCMT (Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone), Dihydrotestosterone, Dromostanolone, Ethylestrenol/Norethandrolone, Fluoxymesterone, Formebolone, Furazabol, Mesterolone, Methandienone (Dianabol, Methandrostenolone), Methandriol, Methenolone, Methyltestosterone, Mibolerone, Nandrolone/Norandrostendione/Norandrostendiol, Oxandrolone, Oxymesterone, Oxymetholone, Stanozolol, Testosterone/Androstendione/Androstendiol (T/E Ration > 6), Trenbolone and Metabolites of the above.
The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 went into effect January 20, 2005. This bill added a number of “prohormone” and “prosteriods” to the already existing list of illegal anabolic steroids. All of these now illegal drugs (1-AD, 1-Testosterone, “M1T’, etc) are banned as of this January 20, 2005. For a complete list of the banned substances included in this new law, please see the following link: Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004
Growth Hormones:
Including, but not limited to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Pharmaceutical HGH, HCG, and any other related compound.
Prescription Antiestrogens:
Including, but not limited to Nolvadex, Clomid, Arimidex, Letrozole, etc.
Muscle Implants and Synthol Stimulants:
Fen-Phen and all other prescription weight-loss substances used for bodybuilding purposes including, but not limited to, Amphetamine, Diethylpropion &/0r Metabolite, Ethamivan, Ethylamphetamine, Fencamfamine, Fenethylline, Fenfluramine, Fenproporex, Heptaminol, MDA (Methylenedioxyamphetamine), MDE (Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine), MDMA (Methylenedioxymethanphetamine), Mefenorex, Methamphetamine, Methylphenidate, Mikethamide, Phendimetrazine, Phenmetrazine, Phentermine, Pipradol, Propoylhexedrine, Strychnine.
Masking Agents:
Chemicals or drugs used for the purpose of deceiving or passing the polygraph test and anything used to attempt altering urine test results including, but not limited to Probenecid, Epitestosterone (> 200 ng/mL).
Prescription diuretics within 3 weeks prior to competition including, but not limited to Acetazolamide, Bendroflumethiazide, Bumetanide, Canrenone/Spironolactone, Chlorothiazide, Chlorthalidone, Clopamide, Cyclothiazide, Dichlorphenamide, Ethacrynic Acid, Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydroflumethiazide, Methclothiazide, Metolazone, Polythiazide, Quinethazone, Trichlormethiazide.
Any of the above substance founds in alternative forms available through 'experimental' or “for research purposes only” labeling.

Please read about our good friends at for more information about drug abuse in sports and remaining PED free!
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The negative effects anabolic steroid abuse has on the human body can be devastating. They range from a minor case of oily skin to major long-term health complications, and potentially death. Steroids have a range of side effects, or changes experienced by the mind and body of a user.
These changes fit into three basic categories:
1. Internal changes, like high blood pressure or out-of-range liver values
2. More private or personal changes, like testicular atrophy (significant shrinking of the testicles)
3. Noticeable external changes, like severe acne or increased aggression
If you suspect your child, students, or friends are using anabolic steroids, you can look for a variety of short-term side effects that appear as symptoms – like visible changes in appearance, mood and behavior. Educating yourself about the signs of steroid abuse can help you identify symptoms before it’s too late.
Physical Changes
Physical changes may be the most recognizable difference because the novice user cannot easily conceal these short-term symptoms.
Unusually fast muscle growth
Unusually greasy hair or oily skin (often with stretch marks on the inner joints)
Small red or purplish acne, including breakouts on the shoulders and back
Gynocomastia, the abnormally excessive development of the breast tissue in males
Bad breath
Thinning hair throughout the head or receding hairline (male pattern baldness)
Hair loss in bed, shower, comb or brush
Jaundice or yellowing of the skin
Skin eruptions and infections, such as abscesses and cysts
Drastic appetite shifts (extreme hunger or lessened/loss of appetite)
Joint pain; greater chance of injuring muscles and tendons
Disrupted sleep patterns (not sleeping well or sleeping too much)
Fluid level changes, bloating (face & body), and night sweating
Dizziness, trembling, nausea or vomiting
Rapid or progressive weight gain
Increased muscle size (sudden or progressive)
Hyperactivity or lethargy (too little energy)
Trouble urinating; discoloration or blood in urine
Personality & Emotional Changes
Personality and emotional changes often happen suddenly and without visible triggers or reasons.
Extreme mood swings
Increased aggression or irritability
Becomes disrespectful or abusive (verbally and/or physically)
Poor decision making stemming from feelings of invincibility
Becomes secretive and/or starts lying
Withdraws from family members
Depression (especially when steroids are discontinued)
Hallucinations – seeing or hearing things that aren’t there
Paranoia – extreme feelings of mistrust or fear
Social Changes
Social changes witnessed may be mistaken for natural teenage distancing or independence.
Sudden urge to work out at the gym
Always has a towel covering the back when leaving the shower (to hide acne)
Closes and/or locks bedroom door more often
Changes in personal relationships with family and friends
Takes longer showers or baths (Extra time is often used for injecting)
Phone conversations become more private
Begins receiving more packages in the mail
Asks for money more often, or has more money than usual
Is stealing or losing belongings
Begins taking naps and/or falls asleep in class
Loss of focus or concentration (at work, school or home)
Decline in grades
Forgets plans, dates and activities
Sneaking around on the Internet wanting no one to see